ACI 562 Repair Code Training

Improve your knowledge of the ACI-562 Repair Code and ACI/ICRI Guide to the Repair Code through training provided in a five-video series (five presentations recorded during a special technical session during an ICRI convention) and two webinars available for free in the ICRI Learning Center.



All videos and webinars are available in the Course Catalog in the ICRI Learning Center (Login required)

Note: ACI 562-21 requires that repair construction be inspected by qualified inspectors, licensed design professionals, or a combination. An individual who has been certified as an ICRI Concrete Surface Repair Technician (ICRI CSRT) is an example of a qualified inspector.

For information on obtaining ICRI CSRT Certification, refer to the CSRT program on the ICRI website.

For sample specification language that can be incorporated into your contract documents for specifying contractor qualifications that include individuals certified through the ICRI CSRT Program. Refer to the Sample Specification tab under the CSRT Program / Certification column on the ICRI website.