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FREE Webinar — Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) Scanning and Photogrammetric Data Fusion for Concrete Bridge Assessment and Quality Assurance (QA) of Repairs

April 8, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm CDT



Program Description

Concrete repair projects are increasingly benefiting from the use of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods to diagnose and identify where internal concrete conditions need repair. By overlaying the results from multiple NDE methods, a data fusion approach combines, providing a more accurate surface and full-depth image of concrete bridge conditions for repair designs. NDE is also increasingly being used for QA of repairs.


Learning Objectives

Through participating in this program, attendees will understand…

  1. Nondestructive test (NDT) methods for concrete evaluation including ground penetrating radar, impact echo, spectral analysis of surface waves, and photogrammetry.
  2. Industry guidelines regarding NDT.
  3. The significance of using a data fusion approach for evaluation of concrete bridge girders and decks.
  4. Case studies of the approach on a post-tensioned, concrete bridge in a marine environment and bridge deck scanning for corrosion delamination mapping for repairs.
  5. NDE for QA of epoxy injection repairs to pre-stressed bridge girder.






Mr. Larry D. Olson

Mr. Larry D. Olson

President, Olson Engineering, Inc.

Larry D. Olson, P.E. is the President, Chief Engineer, and founder of Olson Engineering, Inc., and Olson Instruments, Inc. He has 40 years of consulting experience in structural condition assessment and monitoring, materials repair, pavement, geotechnical, geophysical, forensic and vibration engineering. Larry Olson is a fellow of both ICRI and ACI in addition to serving on multiple committees including founding the ICRI 210 Evaluation Committee and ACI committees 228 NDT, 309 Consolidation, & 342 Bridge Evaluation.


Continuing Education

Through participating in this webinar, attendees are eligible to receive the following continuing education units*:

  • 1.0 Professional Development Hours (PDH)
  • 1.0 American Institute of Architects Learning Units (AIA LU) – pending approval

*Continuing education certificates (PDH & LU) are only available to individuals who have registered and logged into the webinar through their ICRI Learning Center account.

For questions regarding your continuing education credits, please contact ICRI’s Director of Professional Development Operations, Danial Davis, at [email protected].


Disclaimer: the ideas expressed in this ICRI-hosted webinar are those of the speaker(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of ICRI, its board, committees, or sponsors.

Registering for the webinar requires an ICRI account and logging in to the ICRI Learning Center. If you have not created an account with ICRI after January 2024, please visit the member portal to start the process or click here for detailed instructions on how to get started. If you need help with logging into the ICRI Learning Center, click here.


Online Webinar


International Concrete Repair Institute