2024 ICRI Fall Convention – Call for Presentations

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Presentation submission is NOW CLOSED.

Put Your Expertise and Knowledge in Front of Leaders in the Concrete Repair Industry!

This is your chance to share your expertise with a live presentation at the 2024 ICRI Fall Convention being held in Denver, Colorado, October 22-25, 2024, focused on the theme Back to Basics. We’re looking for experts willing to demonstrate leadership, earn industry recognition, and improve the industry’s knowledge.

Technical presentation sessions offer exceptional opportunities for attendees to learn more about the materials, equipment, processes, and innovations that are relevant to today’s concrete repair and restoration challenges.

How do I become a Presenter?

All presentations to be considered for the 2024 ICRI Fall Convention must be submitted via the online submission form link below.

Submission Deadline is 11:59 PM Central Time on Friday, August 16, 2024.

First, provide an abstract of your presentation based on the guidelines below. Most importantly, ensure no parts of your presentation contain ANY commercial information from you, your company, or anyone connected with your content. Presentations are meant to be generic in nature, informative, and entertaining.

Second, be prepared for a 30 or 45-minute presentation. If selected, you and your co-presenter (if applicable) must also agree to:

  • Register and pay the convention attendee registration fee.
  • Provide a short, one paragraph biography and a head shot photo.
  • Complete and sign a speaker agreement form.
  • Submit your final PowerPoint presentation 3 weeks prior to the convention.
  • Attend a morning speaker orientation meeting on the day of your presentation.

Interested in Presenting?

Abstracts MUST be submitted online throught the ICRI Member Portal and include:

  • Presentation Title
  • Presentation Abstract (limited to 1400 characters including spaces/approx. 200 words)
  • Four (4) Presentation Objectives
  • Presenter Name(s)
  • Company Name(s)
  • Presenter Email(s)
  • Presenter Phone
  • Number(s)
  • Presenter Bio(s)
  • Presenter Head Shot
  • Photo(s)

Competition for space as a presenter is intense. Submit your abstract by the Friday, August 16, 2024 deadline if you want to be considered.

Presentation submission is NOW CLOSED.


Please contact ICRI Technical Director Matthew Carter at [email protected].