ICRI 2018 Fall Convention in Review

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2018 ICRI Fall Convention

2018 ICRI Fall Convention Technical Session Handouts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018 AM

8:30–9:00 am

Are We the Blockbuster in the Netflix Era?
Muneer Merchant, Structural Group, Inc. and Iris Hao, UC Berkeley Student.

9:30–10:00 am

Concrete Rehabilitation to Salt Processing Dome
Matt Miltenberger, Vector Corrosion Services
(Videos 2 & 3 in this presentation were too large to post here.)

10:30–11:15 am

Why Does Rebar Corrode in Concrete? (in plain language)
Ken Hover, Cornell University Professor

Thursday, November 8, 2018 AM

9:00–9:30 am

Design Considerations to Improve Parking Garage Resiliency
Abraham Rollins and James Martin, WSP Canada, Inc.

9:30–10:00 am

Restorative Waterproofing for Below Grade Parking Structures
Walter Hanford, The Euclid Chemical Company and William Nimis, PE, Karins Engineering

11:15 am–12:00 pm

Architectural Concrete, an Innovative Approach to Concrete Restoration (presentation not available)
Amedeo Cilli, Architectural Concrete Excellence LLC

Thursday, November 8, 2018 PM

2:00–2:30 pm

Historic Building Cast Stone and Masonry Façade Restoration Using UAV’s and Photogrammetry
Diego Romero and Alfredo Bustamante, Walker Consultants

2:30–3:00 pm

Kansas City’s Resilient Spiral Ramp
Clem Firlotte, Corrpro Companies, Inc. and Curtis Barkley, John Rohrer Contracting
(Video(s) in this presentation were too large to post here.)

3:30–4:00 pm

Waterproofing Concrete Structures – A Dynamic System Approach (AIA CRP-02)
George Reedy, Miracote Division of Crossfield Products

4:00–4:45 pm

Polishable Concrete Overlays
Mike Tracy, Ardex Americas

4:45–5:30 pm

Strengthening of Concrete Members Using Fabric Reinforced Cementitious Matrix
J. Bret Turley, Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc.

Friday, November 9, 2018 AM

8:30–9:00 am

Investigation and Repair of Above the Ground Swimming Pools and Supported Decks
Dunja Vla, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.

9:00–9:30 am

Self-Consolidating Concrete for Concrete Repair
Joseph Rizzo, US Concrete Products
Video 1
Videos 2-4

9:30–10:00 am

Port Improvement Via Exigent Repair (PIER): An Overview of Military Engineers Port Repair Technologies
Rick Ellingson, QuakeWrap, Inc.
Video 1
(Videos 2 & 3 in this presentation were too large to post here.)