ICRI 2021 Fall Convention in Review

Evaluation and Forensics—"Despair to Repair"

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2021 ICRI Fall Convention

2021 ICRI Fall Convention Technical Session Handouts

Monday, November 11, 2021 AM

8:30–9:15 am

Forensic Evaluation of Chemical Attack to a Semi-Elliptical Conduit
Timothy Montgomery, CDM Smith, Inc.

9:15–10:00 am

Innovative Approaches to Drone Imagery Management for Structural Evaluations and Documentation (PDF not available)
Shirish Rajpathak, SRI Consultants, Inc.

10:30–11:15 am

Challenges of Successfully Installing Products Adhered to Concrete Surfaces from the Perspective of a Commercial/Industrial Subcontractor
Bill Hall, QC Companies

11:15 am–12:00 pm

Special and Unique: Lessons Learned from the Implementation of Pull-Off Testing as Part of Project Quality Assurance and Quality Control at Operating Nuclear Power Plants
Jeffrey Owad, Structural Technologies

Tuesday, November 12, 2021 AM

8:30–9:00 am

The Value of Petrographic Analysis in Evaluation and Repair of Concrete Structures
Gerard Moulzolf, AET

9:00–9:30 am

Behind the Ashes-Fire Damage Assessment of Concrete
Kimberly Deibel, Braun Intertec Corporation

9:30–10:00 am

Legal Issues in Concrete Construction and Repair (PDF not available)
Jeffrey Coleman, Coleman & Erickson, LLC f/k/a The Coleman Law Firm, LLC

10:30 am–11:00 am

Evaluating Bond of Concrete Repair and Protection Materials
Dave Fuller, ICRI

11:00 am–11:30 am

Rehabilitation of 1920’s Water Distribution Valve Vault in Minneapolis, MN
Michael Mitchell, GCP Applied Technologies

11:30 am–12:00 pm

Concrete Rehabilitation Design for the Historic 3rd Avenue Bridge, Minneapolis, MN
Arne Johnson, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Daniel Enser, HNTB Corporation

Tuesday, November 12, 2021 PM

2:00–2:30 pm

Common Problems and Repair of Masonry Construction
Steve Talafous, Buildings Consulting Group, Inc.

2:30–3:00 pm

Forensic Structural Engineering, Investigation and Repair of Structural Failures
Kevin Goudarzi, EFI Global, Inc.

3:30–4:15 pm

Internal Expansive Reactions in Concrete: Mechanisms, Prevention, Repair, and Case Studies (PDF not available)
Dr. Anthony Bentivegna, Jensen Hughes

4:15–5:00 pm

Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum Roof Repairs
Dennis Wipf, Gervasio and Asssociates

Wednesday, November 13, 2021 AM

8:30–9:15 am

A Case Study in Corrosion, ASR, and More: Evaluation and Repair of Reinforced Concrete Flood Channels
Kerry Kreitman, Pivot Engineers

9:15–10:00 am

Putting on the Ritz: Restoration of the Ritz Carlton Hotel (PDF not available)
Rankin Jays, MAPEI Corp

10:30–11:15 am

Grain Terminal Silo Hopper Collapse and Silo Wall Distress Investigation (PDF not availalbe)
Stephen Schmitt and Timothy Fitzgerald, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.

11:15–12:00 pm

Performance and Renewal of Architectural Precast High-Rise Façades – A Tale of Two Buildings (PDF not available)
Hamid Vossoughi, WSP Canada Inc.
Mark Campbell, Walter Fedy