CSMT Recertification Policy Agreement

Thank you for registering for the Virtual Concrete Slab Moisture Technician (CSMT) Recertification. You should have received an email with your exam date, the study materials for the written exam, along with a Zoom invitation. 

Please read and complete the Policy Agreement form below and submit it prior to your test date.

If you have any questions, please contact Dale Regnier at daler@icri.org or (651) 290-6278.

"*" indicates required fields

CSMT Recertification/Re-Exam Policy Agreement

I hereby certify that I have read the program overview included in the re-certification study packet, and I understand the testing and grading policies. I agree to comply with and abide by all examination rules and procedures. In consideration for being allowed to participate in the examination process, I hereby agree to release, defend, and hold harmless the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), and their agents, from and against any and all harm to me and to others, and from and against any and all actions which might result from my participation in this process, including harm or actions arising out of the negligence of ICRI, or their agents. ICRI reserves the right to cancel any test or refuse to certify any person if ICRI believes the results are invalid due to testing irregularities or applicant misconduct. ICRI also reserves the right to disclose information regarding all aspects of applicants's test results to those persons who applicant has authorized disclosure. Applicant releases and promises not to sue ICRI for such actions taken in accordance with this policy.

Policy Agreement*
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